Retail and Customer Experience : News & Best Practices

Customer feedback : involve your sales teams to increase in-store motivation

Giving your customers the opportunity to express their thoughts after a purchase is an excellent way of projecting an image of transparency and openness. But the Voice of the Customer – whether positive or negative – can also have a huge impact on your sales team’s wellness and motivation…and strongly increase their performance!

Customer feedback: an excellent indicator of your customers’ feelings towards staff

If you take 5 minutes to browse through the feedback left by your customers, chances are you will make the same observation as we have: above the quality of products offered, above the cleanliness of your premises and even above prices, comes the human factor. A 100% positive customer experience can be tarnished in a matter of minutes by poor interaction with your staff. Similarly, mistakes which may seem difficult to justify, such as an untidy store, products displayed without a price or even order errors can be compensated and even forgiven thanks to the friendliness of your in-store team. The bottom line is your salespeople play a major part in your customer’s in-store satisfaction and overall experience. They should therefore – on the same level as your network managers – get access to customer satisfaction survey results for the store they work in.

Positive feedback: let your customers thank the team in-person

The fear of getting negative reviews often discourages brands when setting up a customer feedback system, and even more so when they are thinking of giving access to the sales teams directly involved. Yet, sales staff are often curious to find out what their customers really think about the experience they offer in-store. The good news is that 80% of web user opinions about local stores are positive! And we see this everyday. Sharing these comments with your team members will reward staff for their efforts in real time and make them want to invest even more energy in satisfying your customers! A motivated team is the first step towards creating the perfect in-store experience! 

Negative reviews: an opportunity rather than a threat

Gathering in-store customer feedback also requires being open to criticism. Listening and taking into account negative feedback is a necessary step for brands wishing to step up their services and improve the quality of experience offered in-store. Directly involving local teams in improving your in-store strategy will make them feel listened to and valued in their work, even if this means hearing some hard truths about their day-to-day actions. Moreover, your customers will appreciate seeing their feedback taken into account by your local teams, with whom they are directly in contact.