Retail and Customer Experience : News & Best Practices

Introducing Trustville: verified customer reviews for retailers and local tradespeople.

“The best advertising ever is a satisfied customer” This Bill Gates quote sums up the value of Trustville, the new service launched by Wizville today. According to the AFNOR group, almost 90% of web users read customer feedback. But a company’s e-reputation is only too often based on a few negative customer reviews which may not be genuine and often date back several months or years. This inevitably has a negative impact on these businesses and on their sales. That’s why Wizville developed Trustville, the first verified customer review service for retailers and local professionals.

A customer satisfaction badge for verified reviews

Trustville complies with AFNOR’s “reliable processing of customer reviews” standard and can therefore guarantee the reliability and authenticity of all published reviews. Thanks to this trusted third-party, our partners are able to publish online (on their website, on Google, on their Facebook page) and in their sales outlet, a customer satisfaction badge, along with their customers’ verified reviews. Why publish customer reviews? 70% of web users feel reassured when they are able to read customer feedback before purchasing a product or service from a retailer or local professional. And when customers leave feedback via SMS or email, the collected reviews are largely positive! After working with over 5,000 stores and other businesses, we have been able to see firsthand that an average 90 to 95% of reviews are indeed positive. We believe companies should leverage this feedback to win new customers and improve their e-reputation. And that is why we created Trustville, after four years’ experience offering multi-channel feedback solutions for large organizations such as Total, Monoprix, Etam or LaForet Immobilier. Over 50 businesses are already using Trustville. Here are two examples below: 5àsec Libergier’s Trustville Page

Doc Biker Boulogne’s Trustville Page